A friend gave me this recipe, and whenever I serve these tortilla pinwheel sandwiches, people ask me for the recipe, too! The cream cheese pinwheels can...
I'm a high school football coach who also likes to cook and garden. This black bean and corn salsa is a hit with my wife and our four kids, and when we...
We like salsa with chips as an afternoon snack. This fresh salsa recipe uses a lot of ripe tomatoes and keeps well for several days in the refrigerator....
This appetizer or side dish makes a crispy complement to any Italian entree. I just started with my grandmother's bruschetta recipe and added fresh tomatoes!...
Beef up your snack game and serve this easy taco dip with meat. Full of classic flavors, it's a little extra satisfaction for those football-day appetites....
Here's what you need: red onion, large english cucumber, fresh parsley, chickpeas, kidney bean, cannellini bean, olive oil, red wine vinegar, dried oregano,...
Toasted pecans and maple syrup complement the creamy Brie in this hors d'oeuvre. For the best texture, let the cheese cool before topping it with the syrup...
Ever wonder how to make garlic bread? This homemade garlic bread is the answer! Minced fresh garlic is key to these flavor-packed crusty slices, which...
A few years ago, I saw a man in the grocery store buying a big bag of jalapeno peppers. I asked him what he intended to do with them, and right there in...
Get a perfect hard-boiled egg every time with these simple tips. With hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator, you always have the components of a satisfying...
Be prepared-you'll likely need to make a double batch of this delightful dill dip recipe. One is never enough when we have a get-together! It tastes fantastic...
There's no need to brown ground beef when fixing this satisfying snack. Laura Jirasek of White Lake, Michigan tops crunchy chips with warm canned chili...
The topping for this simple Fresh Tomato Bruschetta appetizer can be put together ahead of time and refrigerated. We also love it on top of grilled chicken...
"One taste of this outrageously delicious dip and your guests will not stop eating it until it's gone," promises Michelle Krzmarzick from Torrance, California....
Here's a fantastic way to deliver all that blazing jalapeno popper taste without the work. Whenever I bring this jalapeno popper dip recipe to a party,...
Casual, flavorful and low in carbohydrates, these Vietnamese Pork Lettuce Wraps are a perfect and low-fuss way to feed a group. Place the ingredients in...
This easy pico de gallo recipe is a classic for good reason. It pairs with just about everything! My tip is to let it chill for an hour or two before serving...
This sensational salsa is a colorful combination of lots of fresh-tasting flavors. My husband, son and I think it's great as a dip or with main-dish burritos...
For tasty make-ahead dip try this recipe. It goes fast at office parties or any gathering. Mildly spicy, it's easy to alter if you want it to have more...
These flavorful breaded and baked oysters, served with a zippy jalapeno mayonnaise, were created by Marie Rizzio of Interlochen, Michigan. "I entered this...
My husband and I are oyster farmers, and this classic Oysters Rockefeller dish always delights our guests. It's deliciously simple! -Beth Walton, Eastham,...
Comforting and creamy are just some of the words that describe Susanne Nonekowski's warm Spinach Artichoke Spread. "You may have tasted a similar spread...
Sometimes, the best part of a home-cooked dinner is the simplest part. That's right, we're talking about rolls: buttery and flaky, they capture all things...
This is the best buffalo chicken dip recipe! Whenever I bring buffalo dip to a tailgate or potluck, everyone asks for the recipe. -Peggy Foster, Florence,...
"I found this recipe in one of my mother's old cookbooks and updated the flavor by adding cayenne and mustard," recalls Jamie Wetter of Boscobel, Wisconsin....
Sometimes you're just in the mood for a good ol' juicy hamburger. The type that's succulent and gloriously flavorful. But when you're entertaining, cooking...
When my husband was stationed in England in the mid-1960s, I traveled to Switzerland and purchased two copper fondue pots. I've used them countless times...
My family has fond memories of traveling to my parents' house for Christmas dinner. After a 12-hour drive, we'd be welcomed in the door with this special...
I first tasted this seafood dip at a family reunion and requested the recipe right away. It's since become a fixture at our Christmas Day celebration,...
These roll-ups are simply divine. A friend shared the recipe after serving them at a church brunch, where they disappeared fast. They make a unique finger...
At party time, I bring out a platter of my easy stuffed mushrooms. I like to make mine with reduced-fat sausage, but you can use regular for an indulgent...
Antipasto means "before the meal," and this antipasto recipe doesn't disappoint. Serve up this antipasto of cured meats, fresh cheeses, and herbs that...
My family favors chicken wings that are mildly seasoned with honey, ginger, soy sauce and chili sauce. Tasty and tender, they are sure to be a hit at your...